Next Meeting - 2nd March 2025 Online Flying Online Flying Planned Events How To Fly Online GA - Tuesday Jets - Thursday Jets - Sunday Jets - Supplementary Virtual Airline How To Fly Online To fly online with other members you will require TeamSpeak for voice communications using the clubs 'members only' private TeamSpeak server, using the clubs account credentials. You will also need JoinFS for the ability to see other members aircraft within your own flight simulation software, for which we run our own private JoinFS hub. Platforms supported are Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, Laminar Research X-Plane and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Lockheed Martin Prepar3D Laminar Research X-Plane Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 General Aviation - Tuesday Departure Departure Date 11-02-2025 Check-In Time 18:50 Departure Time 19:10 Departure Gate Wait In Lounge Departure Airport KSAV Savannah Hilton Head Airport Arrival Airport KILM Wilmington Airport Departure MSL 19 ft Arrival MSL 32 ft Routing See Attached Flight Plan Flight Level As appropriate Approximate Distance 175 nm Conditions Real or Suitable for VFR Flight Flight Plans Mikes Georgia and South Commercial Jets - Thursday Departure - Flight No - GSG878 Departure Date 20-02-2025 Departure Time 19:00 Departure Airport SAN ANTONIO INTL Arrival Airport ALBUQUERQUE INTL SUNPORT Departure MSL 809 ft Arrival MSL 5355 ft AIRAC 2501 Cost Index 26 Routing KSAT ALISS6 ALISS JCT FANGZ LZZRD4 KABQ Flight Level 36000 ft Approximate Distance 587 nm Conditions TRACK REAL WEATHER FMC/MCDU Co-Routes Commercial Jets - Sunday Departure Leg #1 - Flight No - GSG876 Departure Date 16-02-2025 Departure Time 10:00 Departure Airport VALENCIA Arrival Airport BRNIK Departure MSL 240 ft Arrival MSL 1274 ft AIRAC 2501 Cost Index 26 Routing LEVC SOPE5B SOPET M985 BCN N870 DIBER STP Y15 PIGOS NOSTA ANAKI IBTOK UPIRO RIFEN RIFE2L LJLJ Flight Level 34000 ft Approximate Distance 808 nm Conditions TRACK REAL WEATHER FMC/MCDU Co-Routes Leg #2 - Flight No - No Scheduled Flight Departure Date --- NO SCHEDULED FLIGHT --- Departure Time --- NO SCHEDULED FLIGHT --- Departure Airport Arrival Airport Departure MSL Arrival MSL AIRAC Cost Index Routing Flight Level Approximate Distance Conditions FMC/MCDU Co-Routes Runway Information Active Flight No - No Scheduled Flight AIRPORT RUNWAY ELEVATION HEADING LENGTH SLOPE This information comes with no guarantee of accuracy or fitness for use. Virtual Airline Join our Virtual Airline hosted with Newsky. Fly our scheduled passenger or cargo flights using a range of aircraft types. You can use the Newsky application inconjunction with our weekly online flights, or if you want to try things out first just do a free flight of your choice with any aircraft of your own choosing. Newsky